360 Lace frontal has definitely been one of the hottest trend in the hair industry. It seems like all of a sudden everybody is asking for a 360 lace frontal. So what is a 360 lace frontal? They are full lace closure designed to go all round the head perimeter, unlike the regular lace frontal that is installed only on the front of the head.
They were designed with the aim of decreasing weave installation time significantly. It requires less weft and bundles, and there is no sewing of wefts along the outer head portions. It needs only 2-3 bundles to complete the task. It’s definitely an efficiently way to get your hair installed in terms of time and money.
Here are the steps to one of the various ways of installing a 360 Lace Wigs:
Just like it is with all weaves, begin by prepping your natural hair and the extensions. This includes washing, conditioning and trimming the natural hair if necessary. You can also pluck frontal hairline hairs, bleach the knots if needed or dye the lace to match your skin tone. After making the changes to your 360 lace frontal, trim away any excess lace.
Proceed to style your hair by plaiting or making cornrows then put on the wig caps. Sew the two wig caps using big stitches around the crown. Using scissors, cut the excess from the wig cap top.
Apply and carefully position your 360 lace frontal wigs as desired along your hairline. Braid or pin the hair out of the way. After carefully setting the 360 frontal, sew it down on the top wig cap.
Once installed correctly, prepare to glue or sew the wefts down in the remaining areas. If you are bonding (glue) first, spray this circular area with hairspray or just begin gluing it on the tracks. Start gluing from the back working upwards. Measure the track against your head before beginning cutting and gluing. For sewing start at the end of the track, from the back working upwards, using a c- curve needle and thread.
After gluing/ sewing all tracks, cut away any remaining lace from your hairline. Use a lace adhesive or styling gel to secure the frontal as needed properly. And you will have learned How to install 360 lace frontal. You can achieve many styles very easily using this method and the 360 lace frontal.