A lace front wigs has a hairline that is made up of individual hair strands that have been hand-tied to a sheer lace to create a transparent illusion. The hair market is flooded with different types of wigs. But if you are looking for a reliable option then 13x4 lace front wig are the most common.
When to give the first look it is just a number but the fact is that the size of a 13x4" lace front wig is determined by the actual size of the lace. A 13x4 lace front wig has lace that reaches 13 inches in front of the wig to cover the entire hairline, as well as a 4-inch deep section while the remaining part is sewn to the hat.
This style of wig gives you a lot of freedom to style your wig hair. This means if you wish for a hairstyle with a long middle or side section then by using a 13x4 lace front wig you can try multiple looks like such as a half-up bun hairstyle. This wig often shows a smooth-looking component which helps in achieving a very natural hair look.
How to Install The13x4 Lace Front Wig
Step 1:If required; spray an ample amount of color spray on the wig cap to match it with the color wig color and cannot be mismatched.
Step 2:Place the wig on your head at the proper site; perform an adjustment of the strap in alignment with your head. Make sure the wig must be firmly placed on the wig cap. It should not be too loose or too tight.
Step 3:When you are satisfied with the grip of the wig on your head then move ahead towards the proper shape and length of lace. Carefully trim the excess lace to draw a clear crisp hairline suitable for your forehead.
Step 4:After proper installation, you can use some hair conditioner to fix the wig and also blow it to dry.
Step 5:Now you are almost ready with the installation of your wig and ready to try out for any style. So, girls pick up your style now and go for it.